Here are directions for square programs that measure 5.5" by 5.5".
Using Word, alter your margins so you have two text sections that follow the 5.5 by 5.5 measurements (or you can create two text boxes using those measurements). I had my text box lines tinted grey to serve as a guide when I cut the paper down to size.
Creating Inner Pages: Withn the text boxes, type your program content (i.e., ordering of events, names of bridal party, special acknowledgments, etc.) & make sure to print double sided.
Once printed, use a scrapbooking paper cutter to cut the paper down so each page measures 11" by 5.5". Then fold both sides so you end up with a 5.5" by 5.5" folded piece of paper. These will be the inside pages of the program.
To create the outside of the program, cut a blank piece of paper down to 11" by 5.5" and fold. Using Word, create a 3" by 3" text box and fill in the box with the information you'd like showcased on the front of your program. I included the following: The marriage ceremony uniting (bride) to (groom).....Date, church, church address. You can copy and past this box several times on one piece of paper so when you print, you have several per page.
To help highlight the program information on the front page, cut a 3.5" by 3.5" paper square using a contrasting piece of colored paper. In my program, I used cream for the main pages and maroon as the contrasting color. Use glue, double sided permanent tape or glue dotes to secure the small squares together and then secure that onto the front cover.
To hold all the pages together, use a small hole punch - I used a size smaller than the traditional hole punch that I got at a craft store. While the program is folded, punch two holes where the fold is (1 towards the top of the program and 1 towards the bottom). Make sure to punch half way across the paper to create a semi-circle. When you open up the pages inside, you should have a full circle punch-out.
String the ribbon through the holes and tie with a bow. I personally found that the sheer ribbon looked more elegant :-)